
For my poster initially I was planning to go with something lighthearted, something that would depict bright characters and colors deflecting from what's currently happening all around us right now. However, when this zine caught my eye, I couldn't help but be captured by the idea that expanded on the end of the world through media.  

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Part B 250 Words

Narrowing down my research i have concluded that i am thoroughly fascinated by the use of smaller and larger characters in illustrative pieces, from examples such as Jack Hudson and Kelsey Heinrichs. When using this technique, the true scale of surroundings becomes unclear, whether its larger characters invading a small world or vice versa. 

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Part A : Editorial Illustration field research

this is a graphic novella both written and illustrated by Robert frank hunter. The story focuses on a character named Tom who's worked at an observatory for years, working endless nights studying the cosmos and stars instead using his days for sleep. This is until one night he spots an anomaly flying down towards earth, landing in a nearby field. Befriending the mystical star ghost, they embark on a personal journey working together to uncover and connect truths about themselves and each other.  

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